After EVACS 2014 (European Masters Athletics Championships) in Izmir, followed by a lovely break with family and friends, it’s straight back to work for me as I exhibit at 2 very different events here in Bristol.
The first is the Celebrating Age Festival at M Shed which this year carries the theme Bristol Ageing Better. I’ll be there from 10-4pm exhibiting my photographs of Masters Athletes, but I shall also be hosting an talk/interview with Masters Athlete Alan Carter which is due to take place in the first floor foyer from 2 til 2.30pm. I’ll be asking Alan about health, exercise and how it feels to be a medal winner at 77!
The full event programme (which features one of my photographs of the wonderful Rosemary Chrimes, 81) is available to download here:
The next event is something of an annual favourite for me – the West Bristol Arts Trail which is on 11th & 12th October. I’ll be showing a whole new set of photographs you will not yet have seen – shot mostly in Budapest, Birmingham and Izmir – at Venue No. 38 alongside Tristan Roperto. I’m really excited about it. It’s always such a treat. I love the personal interaction with everyone who comes.
I’ll have copies of both my book and the calendar available to purchase too. (Perfect gifts for that big holiday it’s probably a little too early to mention.) 🙂
Do tweet me if you’re coming to either event, or if you have any particular questions you’d like me to ask Alan. (I’m @AlexRotas on Twitter.) You can also get in touch with me via my Alex Rotas Photography page on Facebook.
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